Lyearn for Employee Onboarding

Boost new hire productivity with 50% reduced time to value

Empower your new hires for an accelerated start through a well-informed and engaged onboarding process, preparing them for their roles.

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Great employee onboarding can improve retention by 80%.


Organisations with structured onboarding saw a 60% year-over-year improvement in revenue.


A negative onboarding experience can make new hires 2x as likely to look out for other jobs in the future.

Deliver effective & tailored onboarding programs to ramp up new hiresEnsure a productive and confident start for your new employees by providing them with clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations from day one. Craft personalized learning plans and provide essential trainings to further equip them for their job.
Deliver effective & tailored onboarding programs to ramp up new hires
Drive clear alignment for new hires on company goals and valuesEnsure that your new employees are aligned with the company's missions and values right from the start by conducting regular check-ins, 1:1s, and providing feedback. Get them ready to take on their roles.
Drive clear alignment for new hires on company goals and values
Measure job readiness with comprehensive real-time dashboardsGet insights and track real time progress of your new employees with rich onboarding dashboards. Identify necessary moments for corrective actions to fast-track their job readiness.
Measure job readiness with comprehensive real-time dashboards
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